Affordable Housing in Mumbai


Swaha Bhattacharya


May 4, 2023

India surpassed China as the most populous contry in the world in April 2023.
A country with a population of almost 1.43 billion, housing is a huge problem in India, with approximately 1.8 million people living on the streets. The cosmopolitan city of Mumbai is one of the prime examples of rampant homelessness in the country. Each year, thousands of people from rural parts of India migrate to the city) for better living conditions and job prospects. This has resulted in Mumbai having a population of more than 21 million, making it one of the most densely populated cities in the world. Consequently, Mumbai has a high demand for housing, but not enough land. This has made Mumbai the second most expensive city to live in the world. In fact, more than half of the city’s population lives in slums, which are devoid of basic civic services like water and drainage.

Keeping this in mind, I wanted to look at how affordable housing is in Mumbai.

You can also view an interactive version of this visualization at this link. It allows you to zoom in on popular residential buildings and particular zones in Mumbai.